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How does online therapy work?
If you are seeking online therapy, we will first have a 15 minutes phone consultation to determine if online therapy is appropriate. If this is the case, after consent forms are signed, I will send you a secure link few minutes before the session and you will be able to access the session at the time we scheduled.
What do I need to engage in online therapy?
To have a successful online therapy session you will need a stable internet connection, a computer with a functioning camera and audio, and a place where you have privacy.
Why do clients choose online therapy?
Clients may choose online therapy for different reasons. Some clients have a busy schedule, some cannot easily leave home (for health reasons or because they are caring for other family members), and some feel more comfortable talking through video.
Is online therapy effective?
Research data indicate that online therapy (also called telehealth) is an effective way to help clients address their concerns. Further, data show that clients report high level of satisfaction after participating to online therapy (see a review of 148 studies published in 2009 on the journal Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 3). I have extensive experience doing online therapy with clients. I found online therapy to be just as successful as in person therapy. In some cases, online therapy can be even more powerful, as clients can share aspects of their life that are not readily available in my office (for example, they can show me their home and this helps them feel I know them more deeply).
Is online therapy appropriate for children?
I always involve caregivers in my work with children, as I believe that they play a fundamental role to promote their children’s emotional wellbeing. If we decide to do online therapy with your child, I will send you a plan in advance with the activities I am planning to do and the agenda we will follow during the session. Depending on the child’s age and concern, I will spend part or the whole session interacting with you and your child together. Many caregivers find this model very effective, as they can improve their relationship with their child while the child learns specific skills.
When is online therapy not appropriate?
If your safety is a concern, or if you need a more intense level of care, online therapy would not be the best modality to support you.