When clients come to me, culture and ethnicity are fundamental dimensions that I consider to understand their stories. The culture or cultures we were raised in, the ethnic group we feel we belong to, and the cultural values we share as adults, give a significant contribution to who we are and what we expect in life. As an Italian immigrant in the United States, I have first hand experiences with the challenges of adapting to different cultural environments. As a psychologist working in Texas in different settings (schools, mental health agencies, private practice) I developed expertise treating individuals with a diverse ethnic and cultural background.

 I offer therapy and assessment services in English, Spanish and Italian. In my clinical work, I often witness how the additional stress of belonging to an ethnic minority and/or adjusting to a new cultural milieu can impact my clients' wellbeing as individuals and as family members. Through my work on adjustment difficulties, I can help you figure out what values are most meaningful for you and how to honor these values in your life.